You've seen people demoted, forced out, then credit claimed for their work. This is on a totally different level...


“UPenn even demoted her because she could not get the financial support to continue her research.”


“I was kicked out from UPenn, was forced to retire.”


“Day after day, Dr. Weissman, Dr. Karikó and their teams worked tirelessly to unlock the power of mRNA as a therapeutic platform, not knowing the way in which their work could serve to meet a big challenge the world would one day face,” UPenn President Liz Magill said. “With the truest devotion to their field, they’ve already promised they will not stop here, and that is the greatest inspiration of all. Our Penn community is enormously proud of their groundbreaking achievements and this well-deserved recognition.”

Nobel Prize winner for mRNA vaccines discusses being demoted by UPenn

Ben Harris-Roxas @ben_hr