My best of 2023: Dismantling Sellafield - the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site

I thought I might post some of the best pieces I read this year. From January (actually last December but I read it in January):

Nuclear waste has no respect for human timespans. The best way to neutralise its threat is to move it into a subterranean vault, of the kind the UK plans to build later this century. Once interred, the waste will be left alone for tens of thousands of years, while its radioactivity cools. Dealing with all the radioactive waste left on site is a slow-motion race against time, which will last so long that even the grandchildren of those working on site will not see its end. The process will cost at least £121bn.

Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site - The Guardian

Ben Harris-Roxas @ben_hr