David Lynch was a visionary in an era bereft of them

Three humanoid rabbits (humans wearing rabbit suits on an apprent TV sitcom set. These are the rabbits from David Lynch's Inland Empire.

I’ve read a few things about Lynch over recent years that expanded my appreciation his impact. I thought others might be interested in them following his recent death.

Agency and Imagination in the Films of David Lynch: Philosophical Perspectives is an interesting companion to eight of his films and Twin Peaks: The Return.

Deviant obsessions: how David Lynch predicted our fragmented times - Phil Hoad in The Guardian.

Another Article about David Lynch - Patryk Chlastawa in The Point

Our doubles, ourselves: Twin Peaks and my summer at the black lodge - Linnie Greene’s reflections on her time in Lynchian darkness

This book is esoteric and academic but discusses his impact on transmedia aesthetics in a novel way - Networked David Lynch: Critical Perspectives on Cinematic Transmediality.

This podcast (in French) had an interesting discussion about Lynch.

Ben Harris-Roxas @ben_hr